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100% Natural Organic Spirulina Powder Can Enhance Resistance and Energy

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Update time : 2021-04-12 15:04:12
100% Natural Organic Spirulina Powder Can Enhance Resistance and Energy

Spirulina is the most complete natural food supplement. It is pure food, which actually belongs to every breakfast table and can start your beautiful day! Spirulina is an ancient blue-green spiral-shaped algae, one of the world's most abundant sources of natural vitamins and minerals. Many terms are used to describe the effects of spirulina: superfoods in nature, green gold and even beauty foods!

Super food!
Spirulina is rich in nutrients and naturally contains more than 50 important nutrients, such as vitamin B complex (including B12), vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, enzymes and complete protein: it has cleansing, repairing and repairing effects. Regular use of this algae can improve many body processes, thereby freeing the body from waste. On the other hand, spirulina can help the body recover faster from strenuous physical or mental work. Not without reason, it is widely used by (top) athletes. Regular use of spirulina can enhance your natural resistance and provide you with more energy!

Beautiful food!
Spirulina contains high levels of chlorophyll and β-carotene (provitamin A). Chlorophyll tightens the skin and makes the skin radiant. Beta-carotene can prevent ultraviolet radiation without blocking the absorption of vitamin D. Regular use of spirulina helps protect the skin from aging and wrinkles. In addition, spirulina is very suitable for weight control and support (vegetarian) diet!

Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids that make up protein. Spirulina has a high content of intact protein (56% to 69%), is very easy to digest, and can be completely absorbed by the body. Amino acids are a component of protein and muscle tissue, and play an important role in the physiological processes of energy, recovery, mood, brain function, muscle and strength development, and weight loss.

Why is spirulina?

More resistance and energy
Cleaning, construction and reinforcement
Helps to lose weight
Supports skin's regenerative ability
Help the body recover faster: very suitable for (top) athletes!
Protect skin from aging
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