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Hemp Seeds

Views : 1835
Update time : 2021-02-18 16:11:29

The world of seeds is immense and the demand for these foods, with a view to adopting a healthy lifestyle and preventing numerous diseases, is increasing. In this article we talk about hemp seeds, one of nature's most nutritious foods.

What are hemp seeds
Hemp (Cannabis ruderalis) is one of the oldest plants of civilization, originating in Asia, and corresponds to a variety of cannabis plants, with a wide industrial application, with emphasis on the use of textiles, paper, animal fodder, oils, resins and human food.
It should be noted that its used in food is safe, since the legislation stipulates the removal of the presence of the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or establishes maximum concentration limits.

Nutritional properties.
Considered by many as a super-food, hemp seeds have nutritional properties that make them an excellent food in promoting health. Its flavor is commonly appreciated, similar to the taste of oilseeds like walnut, it is sweet and slightly smoked.

Among its nutritional properties, the high protein content (more than 30%) stands out; its protein is complete, so, like animal protein sources, it is a supplier of essential amino acids (amino acids that the body is unable to synthesize) in sufficient proportions and quantities to meet the needs of the body. For this reason, hemp seeds are an excellent food for sportsmen, vegans and vegetarians. Its digestibility is high, even higher when compared to soy protein and animal protein (meat, fish, eggs), and it does not contain gluten, so it can be integrated into the diet of celiac and gluten intolerant patients.
Hemp seeds are rich in fatty acids (fats), which contribute to close to 50% of their weight. Of these fats, 80% are essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6 in a 1: 3 ratio, ideal for health), with an emphasis on linoleic and alpha-linoleic acid, such that a tablespoon (15 g) of hemp oil per day is sufficient to supply the daily needs of essential oils of the human body. Adequate daily intake of essential fatty acids is essential for normal energy metabolism, the health of the skin, hair and nails, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (reduced blood levels of “LDL-cholesterol”, bad cholesterol and elevated levels of HDL-cholesterol, the “good cholesterol”), the reduction of the risk of breast cancer, the treatment of depression and relief of undesirable premenstrual symptoms and menopause.
Source of fiber and low in carbohydrates, hemp seeds are therefore very useful in weight loss regimes and in the prevention and / or control of diabetes, helping satiety and stabilizing blood sugar levels (glycemia)
Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of antioxidant compounds, minerals, including phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron, vitamins A, C, D, E, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin.

Using as Food.
Raw hemp seeds can be added to a variety of foods, from salads, soups, smoothies, yogurts, cakes and cookies. It should be noted that consuming your raw seeds is the best way to get the maximum absorption of your valuable nutrients, without nutritional losses.
Hemp oil is also used and can replace any other fat with a health benefit. Another way to consume hemp seeds is through the drink (“milk”) of hemp, easily prepared from the husked seeds. Tea can also be made from its seeds or allowed to germinate and can be consumed as sprouts.
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