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The Benefits of Goji(Part-2)

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Update time : 2020-09-08 13:59:37
The benefits of goji(Part-2)

*Reduce headache and dizziness
In Chinese medicine, people often say that headaches and dizziness are caused by insufficient kidney yin and yang. Gojiberry is one of the most commonly used plants to restore the balance of Yin and Yang.
*Improve sleep quality
In Asia, gojiberry can naturally treat insomnia. Several medical studies conducted on the elderly have shown that almost all patients can improve sleep quality.
*Improve vision
Since dawn, gojiberry has been very popular in China for its ability to enhance eyesight. Chinese scientists have found that gojiberry can reduce the time it takes for the eyes to adapt to the dark. Its powerful carotenoids can also prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
*Strengthen the heart
Gojiberry contains the sesquiterpene cyperone, which is beneficial to the heart and blood pressure. Its anthocyanins help maintain the strength and integrity of the coronary arteries.
*Prevent cardiovascular disease
Cholesterol and other lipids in the blood can be fatal when they react in the body to form lipid peroxides. The accumulation of lipid peroxides in the blood can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke. Gojiberry can increase the level of an important blood enzyme, which prevents the formation of dangerous lipid peroxides.
*Resistance to disease
Regular consumption of gojiberry can significantly increase the SOD (superoxide dismutase) enzyme. Unfortunately, this enzyme plays an important role in fighting diseases. As we age, the body produces less and less of this enzyme.
*Improve immune defense
Research over the past 40 years has shown that gojiberry has the ability to command and control a large number of immune defenses. Gojiberry can enhance and balance the activity of all types of immune cells, including T lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, NK cells, lysozyme and tumor necrosis factor alpha.
*Fight against autoimmune diseases
Patients who received conventional chemotherapy treatment and regularly consumed gojiberries had 250% better results than conventional treatment alone. These patients have seen their disease recede amazingly. The remission time of patients who used gojiberry during treatment was significantly longer than that of patients who did not use gojiberry.
*Protect our precious DNA
DNA is the most important chemical substance in your body.
It regulates the replacement of our cells. Exposure to contaminants can cause DNA damage or DNA fragmentation, which can lead to serious genetic mutations, which can lead to death. The betaine and polysaccharides contained in gojiberry can restore and repair damaged DNA.
*Stop tumor growth
Interleukin 2 is a protein secreted by cells. It is used in the United States to treat certain cancers and treat HIV infection. Chinese research shows that Lycium barbarum polysaccharides can improve the production of interleukin-2. Lycium barbarum also has the ability to neutralize tumor cells by triggering apoptosis, which is the process by which cancer cells break down.
*Reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
A study showed that gojiberry can improve the effect of radiation treatment of lung cancer, so it can reduce the dose of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Other studies have shown that gojiberry can prevent the harmful effects of these cumbersome practices.
*Replenish and regenerate blood
A study showed that gojiberry berries have the ability to rejuvenate the blood in the elderly. Another study showed that the flavonoids in wolfberry can protect red blood cells from free radical attacks. Wolfberry is also used in many clinical trials to treat bone marrow failure (reduce the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets).
*Improve lymphocytes
Horizontal lymphocytes are part of a group of white blood cells and play a vital role in the adaptive function of the immune system. This function constitutes a special defense against dangerous organisms and invading organisms, which penetrate into the general defense of organisms. Gojiberry can increase the number of lymphocytes and help activate them when the body is under attack.
*Fights inflammation of joints and muscles.
Scientific research in the past 20 years has shown that when acute or chronic inflammation occurs, the rate of free radical superoxide production exceeds the ability to eliminate the defense system. It constitutes SOD enzyme. This imbalance can cause pain and damage joints and tissues. Lycium barbarum can restore the balance of anti-inflammatory enzyme SOD and help treat diseases such as arthritis, polyarthritis or fibromyalgia.
*Strengthen the liver
Gojiberry contains a new type of cerebroside. Studies have shown that even with highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons, it can protect liver cells.
*Treat menopausal symptoms
In Chinese medicine, many menopausal symptoms are attributed to insufficient kidney yin. For centuries, wolfberry has been a typical tonic used to restore hormonal balance.
*Avoid nausea
In China, goji berries are usually taken as herbal tea during the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent morning sickness. In this form, it is a quick and effective remedy. Mix a small amount of wolfberry fruit with hot water to get the same food.
*Improve fertility
Asian doctors have long used wolfberry to treat infertility in men and women. Among the latter, Lycium barbarum has an unparalleled ability to restore sperm (reproductive essence). In humans, it has been found that Lycium barbarum polysaccharide can prolong the lifespan of sperm cells and is also an effective inhibitor to inhibit the structural degeneration and cell death of testicular cells due to stress.
*Strengthen muscles and bones
Gojiberry promotes the secretion and release of human growth hormone (HCH), which is responsible for many important functions related to body maintenance, repair and development. These functions include the production of muscle tissue and the integration of calcium in bones and teeth.
*Strengthen kidney health
In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is considered the most important vital organ, and can even control the brain and other organs.
*Enhance memory
Goji is an outstanding "brain enhancer" in Asia. It contains betaine, which is converted into choline in the body and can improve memory.
*Relieve chronic dry cough
Chinese herbalists use gojiberry alone or in combination with other herbs to relieve cough and wheezing.
*Relieve anxiety and stress
As an adaptogen, gojiberry can help the body adapt and cope with stress. It provides the energy reserve needed to overcome almost all difficulties.
*Boost spirit
It is said that regular consumption of wolfberry can bring a good mood. In Asia, it is correctly named "Happy Bay"
*Improve digestion
Gojiberry has long been used to treat atrophic gastritis, which is the weakened digestive function due to decreased gastric cell activity. Wolfberry itself is easy to digest, especially when taken in its natural form.
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